Fabriksleveransceremonin av tankerprovtagaren

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Det är underförstått att den första uppsättningen lastbilar utrustade med den automatiska tankerprovtagaren från Yihai Kerry Group och Fushun Boruite Technology levererades framgångsrikt från fabriken. Det är efter en omfattande marknadsundersökning som Yihai Kerry Group slutligen valde att etablera en strategisk samarbetsrelation med Fushun Boruite Technology. De två sidorna har många saker gemensamt. De har båda det gemensamma utvecklingsmålet att sätta livsmedelssäkerheten för spannmål och olja först och har grunden för win-win-samarbete. Detta samarbete bidrar till att båda sidor kan utnyttja sina respektive fördelar fullt ut och hjälper Fushun Boruite Technology att ta ett nytt steg mot lagrarna inom provtagningsområdet.

Tanker sampler

Director Song Xiaoguang, Mayor Li Wenchao of Shiwen Town, former Director Zhang Yuqin of the Provincial Technical Supervision Bureau, former General Manager Wang Shun of Fushun Petrochemical Corporation and his wife, former General Manager Gao Mingquan of the Economic Cooperation Corporation, former Manager Yu Xipei of the Petrochemical Information Company, the reporter from Fushun County Television Station, as well as specially invited guests and media reporters of Fushun Boruite Technology, totaling more than 100 people, jointly witnessed the important scene of the departure of the tanker sampler project between Fushun Boruite Technology and Yihai Kerry.

Tanker sampler

The tanker sampler delivered by Fushun Boruite Technology this time is a grain and oil engineering product in the true sense in China, and it is another major order in the field of grain and oil samplers this year. This delivery is not only a manifestation of Yihai Kerry Group's high recognition of Fushun Boruite Technology, but also an important strategic achievement of Fushun Boruite Technology's multi-level layout and all-round efforts in the field of tanker sampling.

Tanker sampler

Scientific and technological innovation development is the general trend and also the social responsibility that enterprises should shoulder. In recent years, Fushun Boruite Technology has been deeply engaged in the sampling field, focused on scientific and technological innovation. Guided by the new development concepts, it has persevered in taking the road of scientific and technological innovation development, actively responded to the national call, taken the development of the civilian grain and oil sampling industry as a strategic priority, and led the rapid development of the industry with innovation-driven.

Tanker sampler

The development of scientific and technological innovation is the general trend and also the social responsibility that enterprises should undertake. In recent years, Fushun Boruite Technology has been deeply cultivating in the sampling field, focusing on scientific and technological innovation. Guided by the new development concepts, it has persevered in the path of scientific and technological innovation development, actively responded to the national call, taken the development of the civilian grain and oil sampling industry as a strategic priority, and led the rapid development of the industry with innovation-driven.

Tanker sampler

It is understood that the first set of trucks equipped with the automatic tanker sampler of Yihai Kerry Group and Fushun Boruite Technology was successfully delivered from the factory. It is after a comprehensive market research that Yihai Kerry Group finally chose to establish a strategic cooperative relationship with Fushun Boruite Technology. The two sides have many things in common. They both have the common development goal of putting food safety of grain and oil first and have the basis for win-win cooperation. This cooperation is conducive for both sides to give full play to their respective advantages and helps Fushun Boruite Technology take a new step towards the laurel in the sampling field.


PingFang SC
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